This class focuses on Vairagya, or Non-attachment (one of the key teachings on this yogic path). This is an all-levels class that lasts about 50-ish minutes. For yogis who are new to sirsasana (headstand), please exercise caution. I recommend learning headstand from an experienced teacher and viewing my headstand video. (Here’s the link.) I do hope you love it.
Vairagya… The Art of Letting Go
What do the Yoga Sutras say about non-attachment (which is different from detachment, my dears)?
When the mind loses desire even for objects seen or described in a tradition or in scriptures, it acquires a state of utter (vashikara) desirelessness that is called non-attachment (vairagya).
(drista anushravika vishaya vitrishnasya vashikara sanjna vairagyam) YS 1:15
This principle goes hand-in-hand with Abhayasa (practice). We accept what is without attachment and tap into the ceaseless joy that exists regardless of circumstance. But how does this work in this modern world? The world where we must pay rent and where we are bombarded daily with images of the newest whosit and whatsit designed with attachment in mind? Well, an inner practice is a good place to start, I think. And beginning to remember, yes remember, that our happiest moments are not those wrapped up in things, right? Or, you could begin as we do in this podcast…with the weather.
You can download to any device right here.
What is coming up in your practice these days? Do tell. Where are you hoping our next retreat will be? What are your questions and thoughts about practice moving into the new season? Share! I love hearing from everyone in the community and can’t wait to connect even MORE.
Keep in touch. Stay close. I love you, and I love hearing from you.
- email:
- voicemail: speakpipe
- twitter: @kellysunrose
- instagram: @kelly_sunrose
- facebook: Kelly Sunrose Yoga
Beautiful Seat.
Barrel Roll/ Rolling Table.
Bhaktasana (devotional).
Adho mukha svanasana (downward-facing dog).
3-leg dog with leg turned under.
Bhujangasana (cobra).
Twisting lunge.
Uttanasana (forward fold).
Ardha uttanasana (half-lift).
Virabhadrasana ii.
Parivrtta parsvakonasana.
Vrksasana (tree).
Virabhadrasana iii (warrior iii).
Badda konasana (bound angle).
Sirsasana ii (tripod headstand).
Supported matsyasana (fish).
Setu bandha sarvangasana (bridge).
Leg extensions.
Hip rolls.
Thank you!
LOVE, Kelly.
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