Annamaya is Anandamaya/ Rituals for Venus in Taurus

[image: “The Birth of Venus” painting by Sandro Botticelli; pale-skinned woman standing on a giant shell where sea meets land, covered only by her long yellow hair; two figures blow wind and flowers from the upper-left corner; a feminine figure holds a pink cape on the right side of the painting]

Venus moved from fiery, initiative-oriented Aries into sensuous, sensual Taurus this week. I am here for this. Venus, you may recall, second planet from the Sun is our cosmic tuning fork for relationality and valuation within relationship. By observing Venus’ location, we have the opportunity to tune in to our own patterns, desires and aversions in relationship: to our family and friends, to our work lives and communities and to the other species and beings with which we share this planet and universe. Taurus (which is ruled by Venus) represents our relationship to the experience of our senses, which we have the privilege of as a result of being embodied, that is because we are here in physical human bodies, we experience the world through our senses. Thus, the physical body is the temple and the prayer of Taurus.

[image: photo of planet Venus in space]

The Upanishads describe the layers of human experience as koshas ranging from gross to subtle and back again.

  • Annamaya kosha: food-body covering/ what we put on and in our physical bodies
  • Pranamaya kosha: vitality-body covering/ what connects us to our sense of aliveness
  • Manomaya kosha: mind-sense-body covering/ what stabilizes our mind and our experience of the senses
  • Vijñanamaya kosha: wisdom-body covering/ what connects us to our intuition and embodied intellect
  • Anandamaya kosha: bliss-body covering/ what deepens our devotion to wonder

Over the years, my experience of the koshas is that they feed back into each other, like a mobius, and that through their intentional tending, they expand to naturally include what we would refer to as *others* within our own field of experience. In this sense, care of self naturally expands to include care of all.

Venus in Taurus is a wonderful time to explore the connection between Annamaya and Anandamaya koshas. How can you transform your earthiest of rhythms into devotional rituals?

Here are a few questions and ideas for bringing Venusian-Taurian qualities into your day:

  • Take extra special care of your physical body. I like to ask the question: what do I need to do/eat/consume every day to feel all right? During this time, I plan to be relentless in my daily care rhythms.
  • How can you give some extra care to the people in your immediate world, like your family, lovers, neighbors and friends? Making someone’s favorite meal or leaving flowers for your neighbor are simple ways to give and receive pleasure.
  • How can you honor the rasa (sap, essence, flavor) of Venus in Taurus in your physical space? I’m a proponent of the power of altars to infuse a space with intention and to remind myself to create time for devotion throughout the day.
  • How can you infuse your interactions with the the essence of Venus in Taurus? Consider your senses: offering eye contact and really listening during conversations are beautiful ways to begin.

Venus will remain in Taurus until May 8th. Uranus is in Taurus until July 7, 2025. In a few weeks, we’ll experience a Taurus stellium, where (at least) the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Uranus will be in Taurus.

As always, with astrology: you do not need to know anything. Just begin to notice your experience and track whether what you’re noticing (in yourself and others) corresponds with our relationship with the celestial bodies.


Om Tat Sat

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