updates. links. much love.
namaste, dear readers!today, i’m guest blogging at The Daily Focus, check it out.also, there are some fun changes to my schedule, as well as a few fun workshops! hope i can see you there.
namaste, dear readers!today, i’m guest blogging at The Daily Focus, check it out.also, there are some fun changes to my schedule, as well as a few fun workshops! hope i can see you there.
Today’s practice was inspired (in part) by the hurricanes on the Gulf Coast and the troubled economy. During these hard times, we see some people rise to the occasion– offering their homes, food and assistance to others. We see others looting, turning to violence, and…
Continue reading Giving it all up.
I cannot believe it’s been over a month since my last post. Dears, believe me, it is because I have been busy teaching lots of yoga. I taught the first in a three-part series on yoga for runners last weekend and am delighted to share…
Continue reading Yoga for the runner.
For the last year (well, the last ten months), I have cut way back on my discretionary spending. This started out of necessity, as I put myself on a bit of a money diet when we bought our house in the expensive city of Seattle,…
Continue reading a little treat for myself.
Brahmacarya is the practice of moderation or continence. Straight from the sutras: By abiding in behavior that respects the Divine as omnipresent, one acquires an inspired passion for life. –YS, 2.38 Although some translations of the sutras focus primarily on celibacy, the practice encompasses more…
Continue reading exploring the yamas: bramacarya.
It’s been far too long, but I promise I have been away for good reasons (teaching classes, making lots of art– the works). Onto the next yama, as described by Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. The third yama is asteya, or non-stealing. As soon as the yogi…
Continue reading exploring the yamas: asteya.
The second of the yamas, or moral restraints, as described by Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras is satya. Satya is truth. Speaking truth. Living truth. Embodying truth. Straight from the Sutras: satya pratisthayam kriya phala ashrayatvam As truthfulness (satya) is achieved, the fruits of actions naturally result…
Continue reading exploring the yamas: satya
At long last, I’m back with a new post. Today, we’ll talk about ahimsa, the foundational yama or moral restraint upon which all other practices grow. Ahimsa, quite simply, is the practice of living nonviolently. The sutras, as transliterated and translated by Mukunda Stiles, address…
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Patanjali’s yoga sutras describe the path of Raja (royal) yoga, or union with one’s true & divine nature. Divinity is our natural state, though we face obstacles vis-a-vis our karma and kleshas (suffering due to attachments to pain, desire, ego and the status quo). The…
Continue reading Exploring the yoga sutras.
Namaste, dear yogis & yoginis. Today it is grey and drippy in the Pacific Northwest. Amidst the rain and puddles, we tend to draw within and allow the wet and cold to overcome us. I share this practice with you to encourage a sense of…
Continue reading Feel the sun from within.