Practicing Vairagya (Non-attachment)

Practicing Vairagya (Non-attachment)

kelly SUNROSE  

This class focuses on Vairagya, or Non-attachment (one of the key teachings on this yogic path).  This is an all-levels class that lasts about 50-ish minutes. For yogis who are new to sirsasana (headstand), please exercise caution.  I recommend learning headstand from an experienced teacher and…
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Day 21~~ Aparigraha. Don’t hoard your divine Self!

kelly SUNROSE  

Dears, This video may ramble a bit, but I’m just musing about Aparigraha, the fifth Yama (moral restraint)… non-possessiveness. [youtube=] As a review, the focus of the Yamas is as follows: Ahimsa: non-violence, Satya: truth, Asteya: non-stealing, Brahmacharya: moderation, & Aparigraha: non-hoarding. Ahimsa is the…
Continue reading Day 21~~ Aparigraha. Don’t hoard your divine Self!