Namaste, dear yogis & yoginis.
Today it is grey and drippy in the Pacific Northwest. Amidst the rain and puddles, we tend to draw within and allow the wet and cold to overcome us. I share this practice with you to encourage a sense of radiating warmth, strength and love from within. All of the asanas (postures) in this sequence should be approached with the same intention of creating the pose, rather than letting the pose im-pose itself upon your body.
Pranayama: the solar breath.
Warm-ups: table vinyasa. Table, cat-cow, table, bhaktasana (devotional), table, adho mukha svanasana (downward-facing dog). Repeat several times.
Adho mukha svanasana.
Surya namaskar, modified
Surya namaskar adding in the following standing poses.
Jathara parivartanasana (hip rolls). Savasana (corpse, preparation for re-birth).
Om. Shanti. Om.
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