Today’s practice was inspired (in part) by the hurricanes on the Gulf Coast and the troubled economy. During these hard times, we see some people rise to the occasion– offering their homes, food and assistance to others. We see others looting, turning to violence, and manifesting their obvious (and understandable) suffering. Let us be inspired by those who give during times of trouble through today’s practice as well as in our own lives.
We only know true abundance when we give the very best of ourselves to others.
Centering: dedicate your practice to someone who needs comfort right now.
Warm-ups: Chakravakasana vinyasa.
Asana: Chandra Namaskar {Moon Salutations, twice}
[youtube=]Garudasana {eagle} + slight backbend. Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana, modified as needed {extended hand to great toe pose}. Shoulder openers with strap.
Surya Namaskar B variation {Sun Salutation, dancing warrior variation}
[youtube=]lizard, standing split.
pincha mayurasana preparation: dolphins {10}, pincha mayurasana preparation {feathered peacock preparation} with block and strap.
[youtube=]sarvangasana {shoulder stand} or viparita karani {legs up the wall}, halasana {plough}, matsyasana {fish}, apanasana {double-legged wind reliever}, jathara parivarthanasana {reclined twists/ hip rolls}.
navasana {boat}, bharadvajasana {seated twist}, navasana {boat}, reclined upavista konasana {wide legged forward fold on back with hands supporting legs}.
chant: lokah samasta sukhino bhavantu. {may all beings everywhere be happy & free.}
Beautiful images and blog!
thanks so much nicola!