Ojai Yoga Crib Love Notes, Part 3

kelly SUNROSE  

Saul David Raye.

I heard an interview with Saul David Raye on Yoga Peeps (seriously, if you haven’t listened to this podcast, you should start!) years ago and was struck by his purity of intention and sincerity for the practice. Like this man is for reals living a yogic lifestyle. (That was my reaction to the interview.) He has an environmental consciousness about him that I really connect with. Signing up for a session with Saul David Raye at the Ojai Yoga Crib was a no-brainer for me. After taking this class with him, I definitely am interested in working more with SDR, maybe an immersion.

Atma Yoga is wow. Really super-charged, energetically speaking. And the space we practiced in was out. of. control! Casa Baranca hosted his session at a building called the Eco-Sanctuary. It is a vibrant yellow-gold with lots of beauty-full art and a view that is pure sweetness. There was live music in this class! LOVED it.

We worked with an intention (sharing as a big group!), practiced lots of pranayama (breath of fire- agni prasana and alternate nostril nadi shodhana) and had a sweaty, though uncomplicated physical practice (love that).  We had a soul shake-down party halfway through that rattled my bones!

I felt extremely high after this session. Seriously. Extremely.


Shiva-shakti boom lava!

{photo by Timothy Teague. not from the session, but kirtan soul-shaking later in the evening!}

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