Samadhi Rush Episode 199// Foundations of Practice: Tapas


So happy to be here together.
This episode kicks off a 3-episode series on the 3 pillars of practice as described by the Yoga Sutras. These pillars are referred to as the foundations of practice in chapter 2, sutra 1.
Here’s the text itself:

tapah svadhyaya ishvara-pranidhana kriya-yogah

The foundations of the yoga of action consist of tapas (self-discipline), svadhyaya (self-study) and ishvara pranidhana (devotion to god-consciousness).

Today, we focus on that first one, TAPAS! Now tapas is frequently described as self-discipline, burning zeal. In this class, we explore the idea of tapas as inquiry. The intensity of inquiry as tapas. Ooh. I love it.

Today I refer to a beloved book: Meditation from the Mat, by Rolf Gates. It is so good. A beautiful invitation to explore the practice as a way of life.

So happy you are here.



  • Things in Sedona are filling up! Do join us on retreat in October. FOLLOW YOUR RISE: October 13-16, 2016. All of the magical details are here.
  • I have space for a few more private clients this summer! This is such a great way to dive deeply into whatever aspect of your practice (movement, stress reduction, philosophy, teaching skills, meditation, breathing, mantra) is calling to you. Drop me an email ( or schedule a free 20-minute consultation today!
  • Let’s practice together on YOGA ANYTIME! Yoga Anytime is an online yoga studio featuring a library of yoga videos from a diverse and experienced family of teachers. You can practice for free for 30 days by using the code MAGIC upon signing up. Here is a link to my videos on Yoga Anytime.


How are you feeling about the Wildcat Yoga Club? Tell me! What are your questions and thoughts about practice moving into the new season? Share! I love hearing from everyone in the community and can’t wait to connect even MORE.

Keep in touch. Stay close. I love you, and I love hearing from you.

P>S> I am OFF SOCIAL MEDIA for the month of June. Email & phone are best for now. xoxo



You can listen online here. You can download to your favorite device or computer right here. Find us and subscribe in any podcast app by searching for “samadhi rush”.



Supine cat-cow

samadhi rush// kelly sunrose yogasupine round

Knee to chest arch-round

ardha apanasana archardha apanasana hug

Leg lowers

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Paschini mudra

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Cross-body stretch (sacrum stays on the floor)

cross-body stretch


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Kelly Connor Sunrose Yoga// Online Yoga Classes// uttanasana

Ardha uttanasana

Kelly Connor Sunrose Yoga// Online Yoga Classes// ardha uttanasana

Long lunge


Twisting lunge

twisting lunge

Adho mukha svanasana (downward-facing dog)

Samadhi Rush// Online Yoga Class with Kelly Sunrose, E-RYT// Adho Mukha Svanasana// Downward Dog

Virabhadrasana II (warrior ii)

fluid stability// a 5-pose practice

Utthita parsvakonasana (extended lateral angle)

utthita parsvakonasana


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Supta baddakonasana

supta baddakonasana

Work it out

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Savasana// Die a little everyday

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