hello Yogi-hearts!
For the past few weeks, I have had terrible insomnia! This is so strange for me. After feeling particularly worn-down on Sunday morning due to a fitful night, I decided to pull out all of the stops and do all of the things I know should promote sleep.
And they worked!
Here is a short sequence of postures I did to help myself wind down energetically. When held for at least 2 minutes, they are particularly profound, I think.
supported prasarita padottanasana & uttanasana.
windshield wiper legs & eye soother.
arm crossing.
legs up the wall & baby up the wall.
Much love! kel
p.s. what are your non-drug insomnia cures?
p.p.s. what other sequences interest you? (thanks for all of the fun emails lately!!!!)
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