You are right where you need to be.

kelly SUNROSE  

Samadhi RUSH.

Centering: Take a moment in a seated position (sukhasana, virasana, padmasana, whatver) to elongate the spine and relax the hips. Breathe into this moment. Know that whatever challenges life has handed you at this moment in time will be the catalyst to bring you to a new place of peace, happiness, growth. Sit here for a moment, noticing the breath. Bring the hands to the heart in Anjali Mudra. Bow your head to your heart and silently repeat “I am right where I need to be.”

ardha padmasana

Warm-ups: Chakravakasana vinyasa (table-inhale, devotional-exhale, table-inhale, down-dog-exhale) x 3-4; Adho mukha svanasana (down-dog) to wide-legged down-dog; Heart like a wheel (center-inhale, twist-exhale); half-salutes x 3.


Chandra namaskar x 3 (plus parivrtta anjaneyasana/ twisted prayer & dynamic lizard);

Chandra namaskar from kelly c on Vimeo.

{prayer twist & lizard, below.}

Standing sequence: virabhadrasana 1, virabhadrasana 2, trikonasana, utthita parsvakonasana, prasarita padottanasana, vatayanasana (horse, photo from Yoga Download). (Both sides.)

Siva namaskar.

Shiva Namaskar from kelly c on Vimeo.

Prasarita padottanasana (wide-legged forward bend) to sirsasana II (tri-pod headstand) OR urdhva vrksasana (hand-stand or L-pose). (Use the wall.) AND Viparita Karani (legs up the wall, stay for at least 3 minutes, if you do not practice head or hand-stand, come straight to this.)


Adho mukha svanasana (down-dog) to 3-legged dog to eka pada kapotasana (pigeon) to gomukasana (cow-faced pose) to ardha matsyendrasana (twist) to down-dog, repeat on other side.

Matsyasana (fish), supta baddhakonasana (reclined bound angle), apanasana (double-legged wind reliever), jathara parivarthanasana (hip rolls), savasana (corpse, at least 5 minutes).

Chant: om. om. om. Shanti! Shanti! Shanti!


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